Appalachian Therapeutic Riding Center
Appalachian Therapeutic Riding Center 


Appalachian Therapeutic Riding Center could not provide services without the help of many volunteers.  From high school students to retirees, all have found it is a wonderful place to get involved with the community and get exercise while meeting some very special riders.  There are jobs for people who are comfortable or not so comfortable around horses. 

If you have horse experience, you could put your talents to work leading a horse for a rider who needs assistance with horse control.  Perhaps you enjoy working with children, you may enjoy being a side walker, a job that allows you to interact with the rider while providing a safe environment.  These jobs usually require a commitment of two to three hours once a week during the eight-week sessions.  ATRC provides a short in-house training for leading and side walking. 

Cleaning the barn and tack, maintenance of the fifteen acres, and fund raising activities are other areas where volunteers are essential but do not require a weekly commitment. 

To volunteer please contact ATRC.

If you wish to volunteer you will also need to have the Volunteer forms filled out.  All forms must be completed and submitted prior to volunteering.  All forms must be updated yearly.


Volunteer application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [22.7 KB]
Volunteer release.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [24.1 KB]
Emergency medical treatment form
Emergency medical treatment form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [91.7 KB]



Mailing address:

176 Chimney Ridge
Burnsville, NC 28714


Physical address:

299 Riding Center Road


Barn phone:

828-675-5630 (land line)





ATRC - Appalachian Therapeutic Riding Center


ATRC Board of Directors

Jan Sparks

Sally McCoy

Meri Stella

Katie Bernstein

John Hall

Ed Blattler

Charles Bierbauer

Marian Post

Margot Atuk

Nan Henderson

Julie Spitzer

Dick Adams

Cher Levine

Amanda Fender